Excited much?

So, I am a bit verklempt about this whole "withdrawing from the meds" process. I expected much worse, actually, the whole opposite!...again, I am afraid to jinx the whole thing, but honestly, I am so giddy, and happy...and excited about life, it's almost NUTS!???? All of a sudden I am dressing up, putting on makeup everyday, made an appt. to get a little haircut and colour, thinking of having a manicure...following fashion and embracing it! It's like I have lived in this "lulled" state for a year, and now I have suddenly woken up! Everything looks different all of a sudden! The life is soooo beautiful! (even though nothing special is happening!) I don't know if it's being on half a pill now, or books I am reading and kind of taking to heart on practicing what they preach (being positive and working on a lot of positive visualisation)....but it's just all phenomenal!
Anyways...GOOD! That's all I gotta say about that!

Fall is proving to be such a crazy busy time for me! Tonight I start with my classes at a local college. This semester I am taking 2 courses, so that will take two of my week nights! Loooong days for sure! We'll see how I'll take that...but so far I have noticed that I do good when I am busy and distracted by activities!
I am not going to lie to you - walking in the early morning has only happened 3 times by now, mostly because I do not seem to function by the late afternoon when I get up at 6:00 a.m.! I am fine in the morning, but once we get to about 2:00 p.m., I am DEAD~! So...I am trying to be as active as I can be otherwise, but soon I will have to resort to either going to the gym again, or walking at a different time! We'll see....
Eating has been much better and I seem to lose steady every week...Nothing big, but a loss is a loss! Past few days I have given myself more freedom than usual, but the biggest thing for me is that I am just not that hungry any more!! (another side-effect of withdrawing from the meds??? I'LL TAKE IT!!)...

All in all...doing very good...Almost too good for my taste! LOL...at least for now...

Looking and feeling fab today:


One Thing Better said...

checkin' YOU out baby! rrrrrrrr

So happy for you!!!!
8 days - BIG SQUEEZE!!!

Anonymous said...

You really are looking great babe!! So glad you are feeling good and things are going well. Good for you!!

Anonymous said...

WooWoo!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to hear the upbeat you back in action! :)