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So..last week lost 1.2 lbs..meh. No, don’t think I am not happy about it – but I know that I have not done anything to really lose it, so I am not feeling as excited as I would if I knew I “deserved it”, kind of thing.. Motivation has been dwindling and I’ve been struggling with the whole thing yet again – but as always, I am not giving up. This week is another week of more exercise and doing the “couch25k” program. We’ll see what the scale says on Friday.
It’s not helping that I am baking all kinds of Christmas treats this week and I can’t help but sample some, even though I am giving them all away! Lol
All in all – not doing too bad this week – but as I said, we’ll see!

The new plan “Momentum” has been revealed at WW and I am excited that there are no more 2 plans, and that they have taken the best out of both worlds – I have always thought that that would be a GREAT thing! So, I am happy! However, I am losing focus off journaling, so I really need to get back to that!

It’s funny, but my hubby has JUST gotten it! He has finally realized how unhappy I am about my weight, and only NOW does he actually want to be a part of my “support” system and cheer me on! He’s actually all into “planning it out for me” – so we’ll see how long he keeps that up! LOL I am not optimistic that it’ll hold him for long…but I can be wrong!?!


Anonymous said...

I can relate to all the baked treats being a problem. Tis the season when its hard to stay on track lol.
Way to go hubby on being a support I hope he keeps it up! Its nice to have any support you can get.
As for the momentum, I really need to figure it out and read about it.
Love the new look here too!