December? Seriously?!?

Wow…Time sure does fly!
I was not able to write anymore last week since I’ve been sick! This was not “any” sickness my friends…this was something which I have not experienced in a loooong long time! I was coughing for 10 days STRAIGHT! And even though I got antibiotics and an inhaler at the end, I didn’t stop until Saturday really. Even today, I am still coughing a bit here and there…but oh man! I thought my chest would explode at one point….Not to mention the low-grade fever, which was CONSTANT for 5 days! I have no idea what I would call that..It’s not a “common cold” as that was way worse than any cold I have ever experienced…but I am not sure if it was a flu either….I am thinking “mild pneumonia” would describe it the I’ll stick with that!
Due to this “sickness”, I didn’t attend my WW meeting on Friday, and therefore did not weigh in….I am not sorry for that, as I would have probably gained again! Well..I have still gained…but I have an opportunity for it to not go in my WW record …isn’t that pathetic? As if I am losing this weight for anybody else but myself! Another thing that should change in my mind…
You would think that because I was sick I wouldn’t have an appetite! LOL…But seriously…I have never been more “starved” in my life! I could have eaten a MOUNTAIN if I had it! Have no idea what’s up with that, but no excuses really…The worst thing is, is that I started feeling the motivation dwindle away, and I had no care in the world to get it back! As if my body was hurrying to get back to its original weight as quickly as possible, so it can be comfortable again! I have really tried to think of “WHY” that is, but I can’t find a logical explanation in my head for it. Maybe because the answer is not logical at all??? We all want to look great and self-confident, so I am not sure why my mind would go against such a beautiful perspective and goal!?! I don’t think I even want to go there….
The point is..I got “back” on track…and I *AM* getting sick of all the “failures” in my trek on losing this weight. I am thinking of eliminating all refined sugars for at least a week to see if that will speed things up a bit? Not sure…not sure how I’ll do it either, as I seem to depend on low-point cr@p, like WW peanut butter bars…I mean REALLY! And I know it’s 1 pt. only for a piece….but my body just doesn’t deal well with stuff like that…so I am thinking maybe “core plan” would be more suitable for a body like mine…but not sure if I want to do that to myself either…
Let’s see how “no refined sugars” plan will go…

Oh..almost forgot…I have decided to also start the “Couch to 5K” running program. It’s basically a plan to get you moving from being a “couch potato” to jogging 5 Km in 9 weeks! It’s a 9-week program, where you work on interval trainings (walking and jogging) on a treadmill, increasing your endurance and effort every week. You can check out the whole program and what the deal is at:

So, this week (my 1st week) I am to do the following:

“Brisk five-minute warm-up walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.”

Well, my friends, believe it or not, I have done this for the first time yesterday, and I have actually completed the 30 minute mini-workout on the treadmill very successfully! I thought I could probably NOT do well with jogging even for 60 seconds so many times, since I just wasn’t (I still don’t believe I am) the “running type”…but it actually wasn’t that hard?!? Go figure! I have actually underestimated myself in what I am capable of! Since I have done this yesterday, and since they recommend taking a day off in between, I will repeat this workout on Tuesday, and then on Thursday…before I move on to a Week 2 program! I am also seeing PT today again…and on Wednesday, so I will be in full workout mode for 5 days straight!...Let’s see how I deal with that!

Till next time…xoxo


Lisa said...

sounds like you are on the right track honey!! And i'm so so glad you are feeling better!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mirela... It's good to hear you're doing better. If you're anything like me.. diet alone will NOT cut it. this couch to 5K will really impact your losses. I find that the weeks i get in 20+ AP's are the weeks i see the big losses. (and i eat my AP's!!!)

you can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at you go, the jogging plan sounds great!! And thank goodness you are feeling better you have had a tough go.