Happy Holidays!

It's December 22nd, and only a couple of more days until Christmas! I cannot face another mall or ANY store for that matter any more! I am DONE as far as shopping is concerned..well, minus the groceries part - which I still have to get for my planned Family Christmas Dinner at my place with my parents and my brother...I can't wait :)...
I am not going to ruin this post by my negative feelings, or how I have had some hard time during the past few days...it's enough to know that I am holding VERY high hopes for 2009, where I hope to trully find that Goddess, and not just get some glimpses here and there....
I can't help but chuckle as I remember the Seinfeld episode where George proudly announced that that summer was going to be "Summer of George" LOL....because that is what I keep telling myself in my head - 2009 is going to be "The Year of Mirela"...I am sure many of us are telling that to ourselves, how next year is going to be "our" year...but I am actually believing it this time - that things are REALLY going to be different for some reason...if not for anything else, but for a fact that I just can't go on like this! Anxiety, negativity, stress, helplessness, etc. all have to go - because that is no way to live these days...and I am alreayd feeling the effect of all of it on my health! I have to do something, and it has to be fast!!!

So, here is to a New Year of 2009...a new chapter in all of our lives, and a new opportunity to live healthier, happier, all-around-better lives!!!

Peace to all...