Feeding anxiety

Feeling very embarrassed and foolish the past couple of days. Yes, I am still dizzy and feeling very “blah” as the day progresses, but I am hanging on and plowing through whatever anxiety, panic, or confusion I am feeling…however, I am dealing with all of it mostly through EATING! And here my friends is where we get to the bottom of all of my problems! I have been literally FEEDING my anxiety, for it to not escalate to anything more…Just as if you would feed and stuff the hungry lion, so you can then enter his cage and do whatever you have to do with him, so he doesn’t eat *you*! To me, this has not been a secret…but this week it has literally SLAPPED me in the face, as in the past 2 days I have been STUFFING my face with little things here and there. “Why, oh WHY!”, I would ask myself whilst chewing some crap I’ve given in to, and the answers come as clear as day:

“You’ve never had a panic attack on a full stomach!”

How enlightening…


Anyways, it is true - the more you go “off plan”, you feel like you already messed up enough, and now you give yourself even more freedom to stuff your face, since you’re writing off this week anyways….Darn it…the worst is, I know how it goes..yet I still do it! I have even contemplated NOT going to the WW meeting tomorrow, and not weighing in, because I KNOW I have gained….My little loss of “3.2 lbs” over 2 weeks will crumble to even smaller numbers, as I weigh in tomorrow and admit my “out of control” behavior….I am DEFINITELY not proud. However, I will go. I have to. They say that this would be the time that you actually need the WW meeting the most! So, let’s see if what they say is true…


Anonymous said...

We all go of course, no worries we will get back on track and win the race!!

Feenixgirl said...

Yes, yes, yes...you nailed this one. I think lots of people do this...including myself. Dont laugh, but I have taken to 'teas' to overcome this need to nibble. Some days I literally have 10 huge mugs (decaf of course) It really does help. Bring a bag of celery and carrots....the crunch seems to tame the munch.

I am glad you will go to your meeting....you have to face things and muster up the courage to overcome.

Hugs Darling.....you are doing this!!

Mirela said...

Laura, great idea!!! I have been going to teas FOREVER...My big one right now is "Chamomile"....in the "old days" when there were no pills to take...this herb has helped calm the nerves and heal the body....I am going back to "roots" ;)

Thanks for the kind words, girls...