Day 33 - Getting there!'s been a while! However, all these days have completely been filled with "food for thought" findings and new things I've learned about myself. I think that in the past month I have learned more about myself than ever before! Results? I am not sure if I am surprised or not, but it has truly been eye-opening to find out how negative I've been and how that has not only influenced me, but my family too. I hope that these new lessons are now learned, and that I am now set to start this journey anew...Well, not really "anew" - I am not going to say "Day 1" all over again, but in a way, I have reached that moment where I was ready to begin implementing a lot of "basic steps" into getting to a healthier me!
First off - I joined Weight Watchers Online, again! I was journaling what I was eating in my Excel file I made for myself, but it didn't really work on keeping me just wasn't that appealing - plus I didn't have any limits to control what I have been eating. Second of all, I think I finally understand that without more movement, I will do NOTHING!...So, this week alone, I have been to the gym 3 times already! Last night I even went to a spinning class for the first time! HA! Let me tell you - I just about died 2 or 3 times; but I didn't give up! I finished it, and what's even more weird - I think I will return to do it again! I may even make it a habit! :) So..we'll see...I am not making any commitments, as commitments just put a lot of unnecessary pressure on me - expectations I never live up I'll just take it moment at a time... Something I've learned about myself days ago ;)

I hope, no, I KNOW! that this time is different...that this time I have more resolve..this time I am approaching this in a more holistic way - viewing myself from every aspect of life - spiritual, physical, as well as emotional....I am digging inside and I swear I can almost touch her...that Goddess in me!!!


Anonymous said...

New beginnings are always a postive thing...even when they happen smack dab in the middle. You can do it! :)

Anonymous said...

Bravo Miki, drago mi je da si otkrila ono sto ja vec znam .. ti to mozes! ;)