Day 55 - The sun is shining!

There is nothing in this world that feels better than FEELING GOOD! You know that feeling when all kinds of things are going well for you? When you have a fairly full social calendar, when you are with people you love and you feel loved back! AND when you hit your goals you've set up before yourself..The feeling is just priceless!!!
Well, that's how I feel right now! I am SO sore from working out just an hour ago with my PT. He's been working me harder than ever, but I feel great! We only have 10 more sessions left, and I am a bit sad thinking about it..but again, that's 5 more weeks of working out with him! woohooo! :)...I better put them to good use!
Weight-wise, I am still out there with the numbers! It's very cruel how those numbers sneak on you when you're not careful - but I am at peace with it. For a long while my old digital scale didn't work, and I was getting so frustrated when it would show a LOSS, and a week after, a dramatic gain, which just couldn't have happened! So, I decided to spring some money for a new scale, and got myself a new "professional mechanical scale", which looks exactly like this:

I LOVE IT! Yeah, the initial number is *ugly*, but I love that it is constant now ALWAYS! And you can actually recalibrate to zero whenever you want! It also comes with 5 different colour markers, so you can mark your previous weight on it - it's quite playful :)....All in all - the best scale I've ever had, so I hope it will be kind to me from here on!

In other news, I have had so much fun with going to the gym fairly regularly over the past few weeks! I have gone to a lot of classes, and actually found that I enjoy SPINNING! Which is so amazing! First off, you spend TONS of calories! I sweat buckets too! But the biggest accomplishment for me was just trying out that class, considering I HATE the stationary bike, as I have always gotten so tired on it, and felt like I could just never do it! This is so much different! And with a great trainer, it feels like a breeze!!! 45 minutes just go by so quickly, that you feel like you could go all over again! I have seriously found the best class in the gym there is! I have done it 2 times by now, but I definitely plan to go whenever I get a chance! My gym is also bringing tons of new classes as of September, as well as offering Yoga and Pilates for free with my membership (which now it is not), so I am definitely looking forward to that!
Eating is getting better also. I am bringing fruit for my snacks, and trying to choose wisely when going out for lunches, and when eating dinner. One thing that has amazed me, is that for the last week or so, I have just NOT BEEN HUNGRY at all, after dinner! That means that from 6:00 p.m. or so, I do not eat again until breakfast the next day!!! I have no idea how this happened, as I used to go nuts if I am not eating every 2-3 hours...and would ALWAYS need at least a bite of something before bed, but something has definitely shifted, and I am just not that hungry anymore!!! I am just LOVING THIS! I feel an impassable amount of freedom because of this! Freedom from food! Freedom from HUNGER!

Also...don't think that I am forgetting "Malia"!! That technique I talked about in my last post is just amazing!!! More, and more, I am learning to talk back to her! That negative voice in my head is just not getting a chance to talk to me anymore as much as it used to! What it actually does, is that as soon as I feel upset, sad, emotional or ANYTHING that would lead me to mindless eating or feeling beaten down, I now TAKE TIME to analyze it...Talk back to it...Understand where it is coming from...and then I finally realize that food is definitely not an answer to that! Where before I would look at myself in the mirror, decide I was too fat, and go grab the first cookie that would sit out there in the cafeteria for everybody to take, I am now looking in that same mirror, noticing whatever negative I would think..and then CHANGING IT! Talking back to it! Deciding that I am on my way of doing something about it, and even noticing that I look a bit better already...and walking out of there and filling up a cup of green tea, or water!

I am working it...and LOVING IT!

Summer is finally here, the sun is shining, and I have a full schedule of very pleasant things on my plate! WOOOHOOO! :)


Anonymous said...

Eto vidis Miki, poslije svake kise izadje sunce. Samo se ne treba predati!
Ljubim te,

Anonymous said...

OH Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me!!!!!


Mirela said...

thanks you!!!!