14 days have begun...

So, I've started my 14-day "Nutritional Lifestyle Modification Phase 2" yesterday!
So far, so good! One thing I've discovered about myself though, I *hate* eating egg whites without bread! Also, liquid fish oil with a lemon taste still tastes like FISH, and I can hardly swallow it anymore (will have to look into capsules); I *love* pumpernickel bread; I like Almond Butter; and I can definitely drink 3 L of water without spending every minute of the day in the washroom! (Although I probably sweated most of it out in the gym yesterday working with my PT!)
Speaking of the gym - I think my body is changing...It's these subtle differences that I can notice in how my clothes feel now - I think I am a bit slimmer, although the scale doesn't show much yet..I am assured it's the muscle gain, but we'll see....I am actually amazed that I can keep at it with such positivity without seeing so many results so far, since usually I would bail on whatever I was doing and try to ruin it somehow...quit already, and so on....But this time I am haning on! It must be all the good endorphins running through my body these days from exercise! ;)

As far as meditation is going - I am falling asleep every night before I can really make it all out in my head. I really have to try doing this sometimes during the day. I just wish I could find the time! Speaking of which, I do not think I have mentioned here that I am planning on making a yoga/meditation room in my home. I am SO EXCITED about this idea! We will soon do some work in the huge basement of our house, and I have gotten a little corner of it for myself to do whatever I want with it - so I am making this room!!! I still have to work a lot of details in my head of what it will look like! This is so exciting for me, that I keep daydreaming about it regularly! If anybody has any ideas of what a yoga/meditation room should contain or look like - please feel free to make suggestions in the comments area! :)

I have also sent another "wish" to the Universe! This time for someone else (and for me in a sense)...We'll see what comes out of that one! :)