Day 2 - Ouch!

HUGE headache!
My body is SHOCKED by all this "good" (or should I say "orderly") behaviour!
Day 2 is a pure success! (so far)...
I did a huge grocery shopping yesterday and got all the right stuff - lots of veggies..lots of fruits! Then came home and made a good dinner with a big salad!
Today, I have planned my snacks...low-fat yogurts and fruits, walnut halves and almonds, lots of veggies for lunch with some grilled chicken! No juices today, well-portioned breakfast, no modified sugars of any kind except those found naturally in fruit, and my body is stunned! This huge headache I am currently writing under is just a proof of how badly I was doing before! The sugar withdrawal - the first symptom of anybody starting to eat healthy and taking out processed sugars! HA! Take that!
Strangely enough, I am pain, but happy!
One more revelation from yesterday --> brushing teeth helps immensly! with managing boredom eating! I went to the dentist yesterday and had some cleaning done, I brushed my teeth maybe 3-4 times yesterday! Anyways - once you get your mouth all squicky clean and smelling minty-fresh, you really think of keeping it that way and not divulging in obsessive and mindless eating! So - great strategy!
Other than some heavy house work I did yesterday, activity is still going to be something I have to strive for to get in my day. Yes, I will still see PT twice weekly - but it is hardly enough to get this much fat off any time soon! I still have 18 sessions with him, and in order to do it justice and see some real results - I will have to kick my bum into gear to exercise on those days when I do not see him! I am thinking of walking as a start?! Climbing some stairs instead of taking the elevator at work (since I work on the 3rd floor)...All great ideas - we'll see when I will find it necessarry to incorporate!?!
I am always good on talk; action is another matter altogether! *sigh*


Anonymous said...

YAY YOU!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

cpgjsE ovo sam cekala! Pokrenula si se, sad ce sve ici lakse :)