"I begin tomorrow!"

How many times have you heard that one? Saying it to yourself, or your friends, or anyone! I begin the diet tomorrow! I'll start on Monday!.....

I stepped on my scale this morning and lost all the colour from my face! I was dumbfounded looking at the ugly number on the scale! How can it be??? What have I done??? I weigh more than EVER (and not being pregnant)...almost as much as I weighed when I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter...that is DISGUSTING! Where the heck is that weight?? I honestly don't see myself as being THAT fat when I look in the mirror! WTF???
It's so ugly I can't even say the number...just trust me - it's UGLY! 10 lbs more than when I began training with my PT???? HOW IN THE WORLD CAN THAT BE????

So, what do I say to myself???
"I begin tomorrow"...

And so tomorrow will come..well, tomorrow. In the meantime - I need to prepare myself mentally, to realize what that will mean...what changes have to occur. My very good and old friend (not "old" in age..just how long I know her LOL) commented on my last post and plainly told me - "you have the control"...That's all that is! It's your control...your doing! YOU decide that you want this..that you will do a), b), and c)...and you'll get there! So here I am, trying to think what a) will be...and what b) and c) I have to do to do it right!
It's not like I don't know what to do to lose weight - gosh - I am a walking encyclopedia on weight loss! In theory I am a GD wiz! It's the "practical" part of it - the one where you have to DO stuff to make it happen, that I have a problem with....
So..here I am, trying to dust off my old brain and remember all the right things...

I know some smartypants would say - why wait for tomorrow - begin right now...today! That next moment....but I can't! For me - this will not be "one day at a time"....I am so deep in now that this will have to be "one step at a time"..heck "ONE SECOND AT A TIME"....I am an addict! Food is my drug of choice - the one that makes me feel safe and warm and loved and comforted, but only while I eat it...that is a big BUT! (LOL...no pun intended)....

So, I begin tomorrow...

God, please, make it be my last one!!!


Anonymous said...

Love you babe! and yes you are the one in control.

Anonymous said...

Hej svidja mi se novi dizajn! Novi dizajn novi pocetak ;)
Nadam se da si napravila ratni plan i da fakat pocinjes danas. Samo zamisli kako bi zeljela izgledati i nek ti to bude cilj a i pokretac.
Ja ti imam jedne stare traperice u koje sad nema sanse da stanem, a cilj mi je da mi opet dobro stoje LOL!
Ajde, ajde mozes ti to! ;)

Mirela said...

Nadam se draga! :)...
Love you!