The truth will set you free...

I just read Emily Giffin's new book over the weekend..."Love the One You're With".
I bought it not because I've read this author before (even though I've seen her books all over the place), but only based on it's title..of it's "theme"...
This book has so closely written my thoughts, so many thoughts I would not or COULD not write down presented all the questions I've had for so long..but it also provided answers to those questions.
It may be silly to say, but over the course of the 2 days that it took for me to read this book - I was set free! The truth in it, has set me free!
I feel like the light bulb appeared over my head when I read the last page!
If you have ever wondered "what if" in your life, I recommed this book!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm...just might have to pick that one up!

PS...LOVE the new look!

Mirela said...

Thank you, babe!!! Love your new look too! :) You are an amazing woman - did I ever tell you that?