To be, or not to be...

Guess who's been to the grocery store yesterday and bought all the "right" foods to eat?! Oh, and now guess who's been eating everything "WRONG" while having perfectly "right" foods available??? Yeah, me....*double sigh*
No, I won't be negative anymore or philosophical and ask "why, why, why?"...I will just accept the fact that I messed up and will pick myself up, dust myself off and continue on a hopefully good track this time!
I am taking tomorrow as "vacation day"..and while I still have some stuff to do tomorrow - I will use that day to "rejuvenate" and gather some new stregth to go on! I am also thinking of a new haircut?? To "bang" or not to "bang"? That is truly the question..... LOL
I am thinking bangs..but I am not sure...I may bounce this idea on some friends of mine...
On a completely different note,
I've been told today that I am quite "defensive"! And I admit that in a given situation I was overly defensive...but am I really like that in general? I like to think of myself as being "fair" and saying what I truly believe - admit that I am wrong when I am wrong, and say that I am right when I am I am thinking - how do you still say what you mean, and not come through as being "defensive"??? What if that person is always accusing you of things that you see as being unfair or just plain not true! Won't you keep saying they're wrong and keep trying to convince them otherwise??? What does defensive mean anyways - is it a "negative" trait??
In Webster's Dictionary word "defensive" is described as:

"devoted to resisting or preventing aggression or attack "

Well, I don't see that as negative at all...I would rather be defensive, than meek and taken advantage of! Thank you very much....

Am I being defensive again??? bwaaaaaaaahahahahahaha... :>


One Thing Better said...

Hi Hon,

hugs and cheers for you .. all the way baby!!!